Membership Options


shala membership

We want Shala to be a home, as inferred by its name. A place where yogis feel not only a deep sense of comfort but a sense of ownership. It’s been our experience that to truly unfurl from the inside out, we need support from our community and a place that feels safe, encouraging, with the resounding warmth of home. If you join Shala with a membership, and practice just once a week, you’ll find that your pricing winds up being less per class compared to

the local yoga economy. At twice a week, even lower. This payment structure goes farther to support Shala both by generating upfront support of ongoing costs, and also by creating a the sense of ownership for us all. If none of that feels congruent to you, drop-in pricing is always available!

— Member pricing for all in-person classes

— Discounted class packages

— Member pricing for all workshops and special programs like Meditation Club, the Maha, weekend programs, etc.

— Access to the On-Demand archive for the duration of your Shala membership (a $300/year value)

Billed annually / Cancel Anytime


ON-DEMAND Membership

One way in which the pandemic has changed things for the better is in encouraging all of us teachers to find ways to create online content for folks who are unable to join in person. Out of that need, this archive of recorded classes was developed. We add to this library weekly with new yoga classes, guided meditations, useful little posture hacks and more so check back often. The annual Shala Membership includes the On-Demand Membership (a $300 value) and you can also rent single classes for $6 and seven days.

— Unlimited access to our library of hundreds of archived classes

— Classes for all levels of practitioner

— Guided meditations

— Yoga “hacks”

Billed in Monthly Increments, Cancel Anytime.


the unlimited shala annual membership

If you practice three or more times a week you might be interested in the Unlimited Annual Pass. There will only be six of these passes sold for 2025. They are $2300 and include all the benefits of the Shala membership. It must be paid in full and will NOT auto-renew.

This pass includes:

— Shala membership

— The On-Demand membership

— All drop-in classes, including special one-off holiday classes

— All early more series (ie: Thursday sunrise)

— The Dig Deep monthly workshops

— Community gatherings

— 20% off retail

This pass does not include, but does discount:

— The Maha Yoga Challenge & Mini Mahas

— The Meditation Club

— Philosophy programs

— Workshops and Immersions

Email me with questions, and to purchase.