Chia Seed PUdding

(a-la my friend, Tina.)

I was a little late to the Chia Seed party, but now that I’m there, I don’t think I’ll leave. And it’s a family-pleaser too. Here’s how I make it:

First I make cashew milk, although any milk will do. Two handfuls of raw, unsalted cashews in the blender with 2-3 cups water, a few sprinkles of cinnamon, pinch of salt, and a couple dashes of vanilla extract. A couple dates will make it a bit thicker and sweeter, which is nice.

Pour that in a closable container and add a handful of chopped up frozen fruit bits. I’ve used berries, mangos, pineapples.. anything is great. Then add your chia seeds. 1/4-1/2 cup. Mix thoroughly and toss in the fridge over night.

Next morning, scoop out a bunch and add any/all of the following: A handful of granola; a dollop of peanut butter; what berries you have on hand; a swirl of honey; coconut shavings, a spoonful of your fave jam or jelly. BAM! You’ve got yourself a delightful little breakfast. Or lunch. Or whatever-time-of-day-snack.